Welcome Candidates, Campaign Managers, and Committees!
By Florida law, campaigns, committees, and electioneering communications organizations are required to disclose detailed financial records of campaign contributions and expenditures, also known as "Campaign Finance Reports".
Campaign Finance Reports are required even if there has been no activity during the reporting period. In those cases, you are required to file a Waiver of Report. Reports must be filed on or before the due date. Fines for late filing of reports are automatic and must be paid from personal rather than campaign funds. It is your responsibility to ensure that campaign reports are accurate, complete and comply with all laws and regulations regarding campaign finance.
Statewide and other Candidates, Organizations, and Committees Registered with the Division of Elections should refer to the Division of Elections 2024 Calendar of Reporting Dates by clicking here.
The laws governing campaign finance reporting and campaign financing limitations are complex. For more detail, please refer to Chapter 106, Florida Statutes, and the Candidate and Committee handbooks.
Log into the reporting system below to enter your contributions, expenditures, and submit your reports. If you have forgotten your login information, please contact one of our Candidate Specialists for assistance at (561) 656-6200.